Top Mobile Trends 2017

What are some must have Android apps?

Here are a few not so popular apps which I think makes your life easier. (Especially for students and CS developers) :

1. Splitwise - Android Apps on Google Play - Share bills and IOUs. Make sure everyone gets paid back. Simply Debts. Let the app worry about who owes how much to whom. Especially useful for group of friends who often hangout together

2. 1mg - Health App for India - Android Apps on Google Play  - Get alternatives and substitutes for your medicines. Find out the chemical content, function and side effects of medicines.

3. AIDE- IDE for Android Java C++ - Android Apps on Google Play - IDE for Android. It's too good if you are using a tablet. You can code on the go. Make changes to your android app and deploy it immediately. I even do competitive programming while travelling using this app.

4. Google Authenticator - Android Apps on Google Play - Enable 2 step verification on your Google account. It adds an extra layer of security to your account. No one would be able to login to your account from an unrecognised machine without entering code generated by this application. You need to know something (i.e., Your Password) and need to have something physical (i.e., Your Phone) to login. Similar to ATM where you need to have card as well as remember the PIN.

5. SoundSeeder Speaker - Android Apps on Google Play and SoundSeeder Music Player - Android Apps on Google Play - Play the same song on multiple mobile in a synchronised manner so as to cause a resonance. A good way to increase the volume. The tracks are streamed via wireless hotspot and are automatically synchronised.

6. OpenDocument Reader - Android Apps on Google Play - Libre Office Fan ? use this app to open, read and edit Odt format documents.

7. Google Apps Device Policy - Android Apps on Google Play- Ring or locate lost android device. Remotely lock device or change pin or wipe data remotely. Enforce security policies like encryption and use of PIN to unlock. Also used by all Googlers internally - to ensure security of confidential data on their phone.

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